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The Imminent Demise of Evolution:
The Longest Running Falsehood in
By G.R. Morton
Posted March 10, 2004
In recent reading of Dembski and other ID
proponents I saw them make a claim which has been made for over 40 years.
This claim is one that the young-earthers have been making. The claim
is that the theory of evolution (or major supporting concepts for
it) is increasingly being abandoned by scientists, or is about to
fall. This claim has many forms and has been made for over 178
years. This is a compilation of the claims over time. The purpose of this
compilation is two-fold. First, it is to show that the claim has been made for a
long, long time. Secondly, it is to show that entire careers have passed without
seeing any of this movement away from evolution. Third, it is to show that
the creationists are merely making these statements for the purpose of keeping
hope alive that they are making progress towards their goal. In point of
fact, no such progress is being made as anyone who has watched this area
for the last 40 years can testify. The claim is false as history and present-day
events show, yet that doesn't stop anyone wanting to sell books from making that
claim. Now for the claims in chronological order.
"...Physical philosophy, for a long time
past, had taken upon itself to deny the truth of the Mosaical statements, and
often with much sarcasm, because it assigned a date of not more than about four
thousand years ago, for the period of a Revolution which was able to cause
marine substances to be imbedded in all parts of this inhabited earth; even in
places the most remote from the sea, and in elevations very considerably above
its present level. But, the progress of physical research during the last few
years, conducted by naturalists of acute and honest minds, has at last
terminated in so signal a concession to the testimony of the Mosaical record in
this particular; that, added to the authority of Bacon's and Newton's
philosophy, it renders that testimony paramount, as the rule by which all
inquiries concerning revolutions general to the globe ought henceforth to be
conducted. For, the mineral geology has been brought at length, by physical
phenomena alone, to these conclusions; 'That the soils of all the plains were
deposited in the bosom of a tranquil water; that their actual order is only to
be dated from the period of the retreat of that water; that the date of that
period is not very ancient; and, that it cannot be carried back above five or
six thousand years.'" Granville Penn, Mineral and Mosaic Geologies, Vol. 2,
(London: James Duncan, 1825), p. 6
Speaking of the diluvial theories of
Granville Penn and the imminent demise of the old earth viewpoint:
"Till within a few years, these two
[Neptunism and Huttonism] have been the prevailing system; but another has
lately appeared which seems likely, I think, to supercede them: it is called by
Mr. Granville Penn, who is its great champion, the MOSAIC GEOLOGY, because it is
chiefly derived from the Mosaic History of the Creation and the Deluge."
Granville Penn, Conversations on Geology, (London: J. W. Southgate and
Son, 1840), p. 38
For those who don't know, Hutton was the
predecessor of Charles Lyell and believed in an old earth without a global
Of the concordance of history and the
Biblical account:
"As time rolls on, new accessions of proof
are unfolded; these will accumulate age by age continually, as Providence lifts
the veil, until in the fulness of time, they shall merge into one mighty and
irresistible blaze of truth, which will consume all the cobwebs of sophistry,
and forever confound the infidel." John Murray, Truth of Revelation,
(London: William Smith, 1840), p. xv, xvi
Of the disappearance of old earth geology and
evolution [physical development]:
"Perhaps the author of the 'Rambles' could
favour us with the induction process that converted himself; and, as the
attainment of truth, and not victory, is my object, I promise either to
acquiesce in or rationally refute it. Till then I hold by my antiquated tenets,
that our world, nay, the whole material universe, was created about six or seven
thousand years ago, and that in a state of physical excellence of which we
have in our present fallen world only the 'vestiges of creation.' I conclude by
mentioning that this view I have held now for nearly thirty years, and, amidst
all the vicissitudes of the philosophical world during that period, I have never
seen cause to change it. Of course, with this view I was, during the interval
referred to, a constant opponent of the once famous, though now exploded,
nebular hypothesis of La Place; and I yet expect to see physical development and
long chronology wither also on this earth, now that THEIR ROOT (the said
hypothesis) has been eradicated from the sky.[!!!]--I am, Sir, your most
obedient servant, "Philalethes." Scottish Press, cited by Hugh
Miller, Footsteps of the Creator, originally published in 1850.
(Edinburgh: William Nimmo, 1869), p. 257
"Long ago, when all astronomers as well
as modern geologists, were against me in the then amalgamated nebular and
geological hypotheses, I ventured to prophesy, and that on the principles of our
starting postulates, that both these hypotheses, being spurious, were destined
to succumb under the advancing light of science properly so called. One of
these, and that by far the more plausible, has since become extinct. And now
again I venture, (but indeed there is no venture in the case,) to repeat the
same prophecy regarding the survivor, that the time is on the wing, whether we
require to wait for it short or long, when it will follow its better-half to the
lower regions." Patrick M’Farlane, Esq., L.M.V.I., Antidote Against the
Unscriptural and Unscientific Tendency of Modern Geology; with Remarks on
Several Cognate Subjects, (London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1871), p.
There are some signs of this
whimsical theory of Evolution soon taking another phase. Carl Vogt has given
hints that perhaps they have, after all, made a mistake as to the line of
descent. It may be found, he conjectures, that Man is not descended
from the Ape family but from the Dog! "Other theories may
soon be heard of--for the human mind is restless under the burthen of mystery."
Thomas Cooper, Evolution, The Stone Book and The Mosaic Record of Creation,
(London: Hodder and Stoughton), p. 186-187
It is true that a tide of
criticism hostile to the integrity of Genesis has been rising for some years;
but it seems to beat vainly against a solid rock, and the ebb has now evidently
set in. The battle of historical and linguistic criticism may indeed rage for a
time over the history and date of the Mosaic law, but in so far as Genesis is
concerned it has been practically decided by scientific exploration." ~ J.
William Dawson, The Meeting Place of History and Geology, (New York: Fleming H.
Revell, 1894), p. 206
In conclusion, we venture to
say that we expect one good result from the publication of Professor Prestwich's
treatise, and that is that the flippant style of speaking of the Deluge, said to
have been adopted in recent times by some who might, one would suppose,
have known better, will henceforth be dropped;..." F. R. Wegg-Prosser, "Art.
VIII.---Scientific Evidence of the Deluge," Dublin Review, p. 415
1903 "It must be stated that the
supremacy of this philosophy has not been such as was predicted by
its defenders at the outset. A mere glance at the history of the theory
during the four decades that it has been before the public shows that the
beginning of the end is at hand." "Such utterances are now
very common in the periodicals of Germany, it is said. It seems plain the
reaction has commenced and that the pendulum that has swung so strongly in the
direction of Evolution, is now oscillating the other way. It required
twenty years for Evolution to reach us from abroad. Is it necesary for us
to wait twenty years more to reverse our opinions?" Prof. Zockler, The Other
Side of Evolution, 1903, p. 31-32 cited in Ronald L. Numbers,
Creationism In Twentieth-Century America: A Ten-Volume Anthology of
Documents, 1903-1961 (New York & London, Garland Publishing, 1995) Source: Talk Origins message news:[email protected]
"Today, at the
dawn of the new century, nothing is more certain than that Darwinism has lost
its prestige among men of science. It has seen its day and will soon be
reckoned a thing of the past. A few decades hence when people will look
back upon the history of the doctrine of Descent, they will confess that the
years between 1860 and 1880 were in many respects a time of carnival; and the
enthusiasm which at that time took possession of the devotees of natural science
will appear to them as the excitement attending some mad revel." Eberhard
Dennert, At the Deathbed of Darwinism, 1904, cited by Ronald L.
Numbers, Creationism In Twentieth-Century America: A Ten-Volume Anthology
of Documents, 1903-1961 (New York & London, Garland Publishing,
1995) Source: Talk Origins message news:[email protected]
title: Collapse of Evolution, by Luther Tracy Townsend -- Source: Talk Origins message news:[email protected] ...
Presages Scott Huse's book by the same title in 1983
Of his theory of the flood,
which he thought was being accepted, Isaac Vail wrote:
It was this independent
research in a very wide field of thought that led me to enlarge the pamphlet of
1874 to a book of 400 pages in 1885; and again it was revised and enlarged in
1902; and I have been greatly encouraged by the fact that this last edition is
now used in some of the colleges, and in at least two universities as an
educator. " "When the first volume was published in 1874
it was a rare thing to meet with a scientist who would admit that the earth had
a ring system; to-day it is as rare to meet with one who does not concede the
great fact, and the great problem is resolving itself into this form: How did
the earth's rings fall back to the surface of the planet?" ~ Isaac Newton Vail,
The Earth's Annular System, 4th ed. (Pasadena: The Annular World Co.,
1912), p. v
title "The Passing of Evolution", by George Frederick Wright.
Volume VII of the Fundamentals (1910-1915). Source: Talk Origins message news:[email protected]
The science of twenty or
thirty years ago was in high glee at the thought of having almost proved the
theory of biological evolution. Today, for every careful, candid inquirer, these
hopes are crushed; and with weary, reluctant sadness does modern biology now
confess that the Church has probably been right all the time" - George McCready
Price, quoted in J. E. Conant’s The Church The Schools And Evolution
(1922), p.18 Taken from Troy Britain's reply at
The American Association for
the Advancement of Science felt forced to formally deny such a claim . They
issued a report which says:
Since it has been asserted
that there is not a fact in the universe in support of this theory, that it is a
"mere guess" which leading scientists are now abandoning, and that even the
American Association for the Advancement of Science at its last meeting in
Toronto, Canada, approved this revolt against evolution, and
Inasmuch as such statements
have been given wide publicity through the press and are misleading public
opinion on this subject, therefore,
The Council of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science has thought it advisable to take
formal steps upon this matter, in order that there may be no ground for
misunderstanding of the attitude of this Association, which is one of the
largest scientific bodies in the world, with a membership of more than 11,000
persons, including the American authorities in all branches of science. The
following statements represent the position of the Council with regard to the
theory of evolution.
- The Council of the
Association affirms that, so far as the scientific evidences of evolution of
plants and animals and man are concerned, there is no ground whatever for
the assertion that these evidences constitute a "mere guess." No scientific
generalization is more strongly supported by thoroughly tested evidences
than is that of organic evolution."
...I am convinced that science
is making substantial progress. Darwinism has been definitely outgrown. As a
doctrine it is merely of historical interest. True, the current teaching of
geology still occupy the center of the stage, and the real modern discoveries
which completely discredit these teachings are only beginning to get a hearing.
The New Catastrophism is the theory of tomorrow in the science of geology; and
under the teaching of this new view of geology the whole theory of evolution
will take its place with the many ‘perishing dreams and the wrecks of forgotten
deliriums’. And at that time the entire teaching of science along these lines
will be found to be in complete harmony with the opening chapters of the Ancient
Hebrew Scriptures. ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." -
George McCready Price, quoted in Alexander Hardie’s Evolution: Is It
Philosophical, Scientific Or Scriptural? (1924), pp.125-126
Taken from Troy Britain's reply at
The world has had enough of
evolution … In the future, evolution will be remembered only as the crowning
deception which the arch-enemy of human souls foisted upon the race in his
attempt to lead man away from the Savior. The Science of the future will be
creationism. As the ages roll by, the mysteries of creation week will be cleared
up, and as we have learned to read the secrets of creative power in the lives of
animals and plants about us, we shall understand much that our dim senses cannot
now fathom. If we hope to continue scientific study in the laboratories and
fields of the earth restored, we must begin to get the lessons of truth now. The
time is ripe for a rebellion against the dominion of evolution, and for a return
to the fundamentals of true science," Back To Creationism. - Harold W.
Clark (1929) Back To Creationism, p. 139 Taken from Troy Britain's reply at
The chain of evidence that
purports to support the theory of evolution is a chain indeed, but its links are
formed of sand and mist. Analyze the evidence and it melts away; turn the light
of true investigation upon its demonstrations and they fade like fog before the
freshening breeze. The theory stands today positively disproved, and we will
venture the prophecy that in another two decades, when younger men, free from
the blind prejudices of a passing generation are allowed to investigate the new
evidence, examine the facts, and form their own conclusions, the theory will
take its place in the limbo of disproved tidings. In that day the world of
science will be forced to come back to the unshakable foundation of fact that is
the basis of the true philosophy of the origin of life." Harry Rimmer, The
Theory of Evolution and the Facts of Science (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Co., 1935), p. 113-114
(I would like to thank J.
Barber for pointing this out to me. He had previously quoted it at:
The above comes from my copy of the book.)
The Bible is the one
foundation on which all true science must finally rest: because it is the one
book of ultimate origins. Science established on this foundation will
endure. In fact, there can be no true science without this foundation. False
science must fall. Already, its decline is evident." L. Allen Higley, Science
and Truth, (London: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1940), p. 10
I suspect that the creationist
has less mystery to explain away than the wholehearted evolutionist. On the
balance of the things that I have both read and discovered for myself I am a
creationist, so far as mega-evolution is concerned. By mega-evolution one refers
to the origin of kingdoms, phyla, classes and orders, the largest groups in any
classification of living things. I concede micro-evolution, of course, which is
the origin by evolutionary processes of species, genera, and even families. An
increasing number of thoughtful scientists seem to be adopting this view, which
I should add is decades old, and far from being original." ~ Evan Shute,
Flaws in the Theory of Evolution, (Nutley, New Jersey: Craig Press, 1961)
p. 2
In spite of the tremendous
pressure that exists in the scientific world on the side of evolutionary
propaganda, there are increasing signs of discontent and skepticism" ~ Henry
Morris, The Twilight of Evolution, (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House,
1963), p. 84
Here and there, surprisingly
enough, even in the standard scientific publications media, there are beginning
to appear evidences of doubts concerning evolution. Nothing much which is
overtly skeptical of evolution as a whole can be published, of course, but at
least signs are appearing which indicate there may exist a very substantial
substratum of doubt concerning evolution today." ~ Henry Morris, The Twilight
of Evolution, (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1963), p. 84
Indeed, of late, more and more
have come to recognize not only the reality but also the importance of the
spiritual. Dryden says that scientists have come to realize that atrophy of the
moral and spiritual life is inconsistent with well-rounded development. " ~ John
W. Klotz, Gene, Genesis and Evolution, (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing
House, 1970), p. 14
QUESTION--Do non-Christian
scientists still argue that man has descended from apes or
ANSWER--In many school textbooks this is accepted almost as if
it is fact, but many biologists and other scientists have long since swung away
from this view. There are many and varied theories of evolution today, but
scientists who reject divine creation are beset with serious problems and these
are being increasingly recognized." ~ Clifford Wilson, In the Beginning
God..., (Balston Spa, New York: Word of Truth Productions, 1975), p.
But even at that time there
were some evolutionists who were beginning to express doubts concerning this
formulation of evolution theory. A decade later, these incipient cracks have
widened to the point that some, formerly strongly committed to this theory, are
now expressing disillusionment." Duane T. Gish, "Cracks in the NeoDarwinian
Jericho, Part 1," Impact, 42(Dec. 1976).
"Is Darwinism on it's Last
Scott M. Huse's book title: ,
The Collapse of Evolution,
Furthermore, even if it wasn't
clear in Darwin's day, the modern scientific creationist movement has made it
abundantly clear in our day that all the real facts of science support this
Biblical position. Despite all the bombastic books and articles, both by secular
evolutionists and compromising evangelicals, which have opposed the modern
literature on scientific Biblical creationism/catastrophism, the evidence is
sound, and more and more scientists are becoming creationists all the
time." Henry M. Morris, A History of Modern Creationism, (San
Diego: Master Book Publishers, 1984), p. 329-330
One of the encouraging signs
of our day is to see the large number of young people who are beginning to
realize they are being manipulated by the educational system. In my lectures on
university campuses and elsewhere, I am encouraged by the increasing awareness
of young people to this problem. More and more young scientists are interested
in searching out the creationist explanation for origins and earth history. Some
excellent creationist research is also being accomplished by these young people
even at the graduate level. They are not receiving much encouragement from the
educational establishment, but they are going ahead anyway." ~ Donald E.
Chittick, The Controversy: Roots of the Creation-Evolution Conflict,
(Creation Compass, 1984), p. 191
There are still some die-hard
uniformitarians who would question the first assumption but, as documented in
the preceding chapter, more and more in the modern school of geologists are
saying that everything in the geologic column is a record of catastrophe." ~
Henry M. Morris, Creation and the Modern Christian, (El Cajon,
California: Master Book Publishers, 1985), p. 241
Evolution is in absolute chaos
today and has been especially for this decade of the '80's. The '80's has been
extremely bad for Evolution.Every major pillar of Evolution has crumbled in the
decade of the '80's." D. James Kennedy on "The John Ankerberg Show," 1987
Hundreds of scientists who
once taught their university students that the bottom line on origins had
finally been figured out and settled are today confessing that they were
completely wrong. They have discovered that their previous conclusions, once
held so fervently, were based on very fragile evidences and suppositions which
have since been refuted by new discoveries. This has necessitated a change in
their basic philosophical position on origins. Others are admitting great
weaknesses in evolution theory. One of the world's most highly respected
philosophers of science, Dr. Karl Popper, has argued that one theory of origins,
almost universally accepted as a scientific fact, does not even qualify as a
scientific theory. A 1980 display at the prestigious British Museum of Natural
History made the same admission." ~ Luther D. Sunderland, Darwin's
Enigma, (Santee, California: Master Books, 1988), p. 7,8
Leading scientists are
abandoning their faith in Darwin's theory of evolution. Why?" Luther D.
Sunderland, Darwin's Enigma, (Santee, California: Master Books, 1988),
Back cover.
Although the history of the
earth and life has long been interpreted by the uniformitarian maxim, 'the
present is the key to the past,' more and more geologists are returning to
catastrophism." ~ Henry M. Morris, "Evolution - A House Divided," Impact,
194, August, 1989, p. iii.
Even though the large majority
of modern scientists still embrace an evolutionary view of origins, there is a
significant and growing number of scientists who have abandoned evolution
altogether and have accepted creation instead." ~ Mark Looy, "I Think;
Therefore, There is a Supreme Thinker," Impact, 208, October, 1990, p.
Of course, the demise of the
Big Bang theory will not discourage evolutionary theorists from proposing other
theories. In fact, theories based on plasma processes and a revised steady-state
theory have already been advanced to replace Big Bang cosmologies." Duane T.
Gish, "The Big Bang Theory Collapses" Impact, 216 (June 1991), p.
Today, however, the 'creative'
role of natural selection is being questioned by a growing number of scientists.
Yet most of these scientists have not reconsidered the intelligent design
argument which was replaced by natural selection as the supposed source of
apparent design." ~ Percival Davis and Dean H. Kenyon, Of Pandas and
People, (Dallas: Haughton Publishing Co., 1993), p. 67
Today, there is a growing
recognition among scientists of the dramatic implication that the principle of
uniformity holds for the origin of functional information. This is not an
argument against Darwinian evolution. It is, however, an important scientific
inference in favor of the intelligent origin of genetic messages." ~ Percival
Davis and Dean H. Kenyon, Of Pandas and People, (Dallas: Haughton
Publishing Co., 1993), p. 64
"There are hopeful signs, however. Evolution theory itself has now collapsed under scientific scrutiny.
Further, the foundations have not been totally abandoned by scientists." ~ T. V.
Varughese, "Christianity and Technological Advance," Impact, 245, p. iv.
Even scientists are leaving
Darwinian evolution in droves, recognizing that strictly natural processes,
operating at random on inorganic chemicals, could never have produced complex
living cells. They have grown weary of arguing how random mutations in a highly
complex genetic code provide improvements in it." ~ John D. Morris, The Young
Earth, (Colorado Springs: Master Books, 1994), p. 121
Well, the Big Bang has started
to fizzle! Astronomer Hoyle says that a 'sickly pall now hangs over the big bang
theory.' The Big Bang has fallen with a big bang! Eminent scientists who reject
the BBT include Nobel Prize winner Hannes Alfven, astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle,
astronomer Jayant Narlikar, astronomer N. Chandra Wickramasinghe, astronomer
Geoffrey Burbidge, physicist Allen Allen, physicist Hermann bondi, physicist
Robert Oldershaw and physicist G. de Vaucouleurs." ~ Don Boys, Evolution:
Fact, Fraud or Faith, (Largo, Fl: Freedom Publications, 1994), p.
The cosmologists (with a
number of notable exceptions) are all committed to the 'Big Bang' theory of
cosmic origin, the date of which is the age for which they are searching. But
the 'Big Bang' itself is highly speculative, and there are a growing number of
astronomers who are questioning it." ~ Henry M. Morris, "Cosmology's Holy
Grail," Back To Genesis February, 1995,No. 74, p. b.
Of course, I take a different
view. In my opinion, much of the history of the twentieth century will be seen
in retrospect as a failed experiment in scientific atheism. The thinkers most
responsible for making the twentieth century mindset were Darwin, Marx, and
Freud. Freud has now lost most of his scientific standing, and Marx has been so
spectacularly discredited that he retains his influence only in the loftiest
academic ivory towers. Darwinism is still untouchable, but the most widely used
college evolutionary biology textbook (by Douglas Futuyma) links his achievement
to that of the other two. Phillip E. Johnson, "What (If Anything) Hath God
Wrought? Academic Freedom and the Religious Professor" Academe, Sept.
GRM: Sounds a bit like Harold
Clark's 1929 statement.
We are the only people ever to
see (or need) direct scientific proof not only of God's existence, but also for
His transcendent capacity to create space and time dimensions, as well as to
operate in dimensions independent from our own four." ~ Hugh Ross, Beyond the
Cosmos (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1996), p. 33
The Behe argument is as
revolutionary for our time as was Darwin's argument was for his. If true, it
presages not just a change in a scientific theory, but an overthrow of the
worldview that has dominated intellectual life ever since the triumph of
Darwinism, the metaphysical doctrine of scientific materialism or naturalism. A
lot is at stake, and not just for science." ~ Phillip E. Johnson, "The
Storyteller and the Scientist", First Things, Oct. 1996, p.47.
Even though the Big Bang is
still the cosmogony of choice for the majority of astronomers, there is a
rapidly growing body of very competent dissenters. "Henry Morris, Back to
Genesis,101, May, 1997, p. a,b
"Darwin gave us a creation
story, one in which God was absent and undirected natural processes did all the
work. That creation story has held sway for more than a hundred years. It is now
on the way out. When it goes, so will all the edifices that have been built on
its foundation." William A. Dembski, "Introduction to Mere Creation," in William
A. Dembski, ed.,Mere
Creation, (Downer’s Grove, Ill.: Intervarsity Press, 1998), pp 13-30, p.
What is science going to look
like once intelligent design replaces it?" William A. Dembski, "Redesigning
Science," in William A. Dembski, ed.,Mere Creation, (Downer’s Grove, Ill.: Intervarsity Press, 1998),
pp 93-112, p. 93
Of Evolution:
In appearance it is as
impregnable as the Soviet Union seemed a few years ago. But the ship has sprung
a metaphysical leak, and that leak widens as more and more people understand it
and draw attention to the conflict between empirical science and materialist
philosophy. The more perceptive of the ship's officers know that the ship is
doomed if the leak cannot be plugged. The struggle to save the ship will go on
for a while, and meanwhile there will even be academic wine-and-cheese parties
on the deck. In the end the ship's great firepower and ponderous armor will only
help drag it to the bottom." Phillip Johnson, "How to Sink a Battleship," in
William A. Dembski, ed.,Mere
Creation, (Downer’s Grove, Ill.: Intervarsity Press, 1998), pp 446-453, p.
Meanwhile, it is my personal
hope that these positions newly adopted by scholars in the scientific community
when they do reach the larger world, will lead to turn to a renewal of
philosophy and humane letters, and that an enhanced confidence in the ordered
structure of physical reality will afford men and women a more assured, firmer
stride in the paths of narrative and poetic composition. Actually, I have no
doubt that this will be the case, at least after my time, and I cherish the
suspicion that future students of literary history, not so terribly far down the
road, may look back to these past two centuries as a somewhat weird period,
during which an extraordinary multitude of singularly disturbed authors composed
an inordinate number of very bizarre and disquieting books. 'Yes,' their
teachers will be obliged to inform them, 'a lot of people back in those
unfortunate days had gotten it into their silly heads that the whole world and
everything in it had somehow evolved by accident, you see. It was all rather
strange." Patrick Henry Reardon, "The World as Text," Touchstone,
July/August, 1999, p. 89 2000
There is growing interest in a
biological theory of intelligent design around the world. While many still
vigorously oppose all such ideas, there is a much greater openness than ever
before. Philosophers, mathematicians, chemists, engineers, and biologists are
willing to suggest, even demand, that a more rigorous study of intelligent
design in relation to biological organisms be pursued. A renaissance may be
around the corner." Ray Bohlin, "The Natural Limits to Biological Change," in
Ray Bohlin, ed., Creation, Evolution, & Modern Science, (Grand
Rapids: Kregel Publications, 2000), p. 44
Nevertheless, evolutionists,
having largely become disenchanted with the fossil record as a witness for
evolution because of the ubiquitous gaps where there should be transitions,
recently have been promoting DNA and other genetic evidence as proof of
evolution." Henry Morris, "The Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary,
Part II", Impact, 331(2001)
Intellectual honesty will soon
force many scientists to abandon Darwin's theory of the evolution of species in
exchange for intelligent design or outright Biblical creation." Gregory J.
Brewer, "The Immanent Death of Darwinism and the Rise of Intelligent Design,"
Impact, 341(2001), p. i
Creation scientists may be in
the minority so far, but their number is growing, and most of them (like this
writer) were evolutionists at one time, having changed to creationism at least
in part because of what they decided was the weight of scientific evidence."
Henry Morris, "What are Evolutionists Afraid of?" Back to Genesis, No.
168(Dec. 2002).
"As the evidence mounts, many
biologists and others are returning to a belief in a Creation-God." Ralph O.
Muncaster, Why Are Scientists Turning to God?, (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest
House Publishers, 2002), p. 19
"The good news is that the
ever-increasing acquisition of knowledge is now pointing scientists back to God!
Based on historical factors, eventually that belief will filter down to the
schools and the general public." Ralph O. Muncaster, Why Are Scientists
Turning to God?, (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 2002), p.
Others may fear a need to
change their lifestyles to please a God. Still others make their livelihood
trying to prove naturalistic evolution. There are many possible reasons,
yet the scientific trend, particularly in microbiology, is a return to
consideration of God." Ralph O. Muncaster, Why Are Scientists Turning to
God?, (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 2002), p. 35
Seeing all this, one can
reasonably ask the question: When exactly will the demise of evolution be
apparent to the rest of us?
Acknowledgement: Thanks to all
who have pointed out quotations which were added to the original
Originally posted at Copyright 2002 G.R. Morton. This can be freely distributed so long as no changes are made and no charges are made.