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Title Author Date
Hypothesis testing incompatible with Bayesian approach? [email protected] Dec 09, 2008
"As the entire Bayesian approach is completely incompatible with the concept of hypothesis testing in general and rejection regions in particular..."
Can't frequentist hypothesis testing be translated into Bayesian terms by selecting some particular prior? A prior which remains unstated in the frequentist approach but can be inferred from concrete calculations nonetheless?
Related Articles: Probability, Statistics, Evolution, and Intelligent Design

Title Author Date
Hypothesis testing incompatible with Bayesian approach? Olofsson, Peter Dec 09, 2008
No, it cannot because the entire logic is different. In hypothesis testing we compute the probability of the data given the hypothesis and in Bayesian inference we compute the probability of the hypothesis given the data.

Peter Olofsson
Related Articles: Probability, Statistics, Evolution, and Intelligent Design